Now a Word from Our Sponsors…

Sorry to have fallen down the rabbit hole lately, but as we all know, I’m not the most stable campstove at the Boy Scout Jamboree, and I kinda dropped my basket.  I’ll get back into the funny once the meds kick in!

And just an interesting FACT:  Telling people you missed a week of work because you went batshit crazy will result in them A) not giving you any shit and B) giving you other things, like cool drinks and breakfast sandwiches.


Filed under La Vida Loca

34 responses to “Now a Word from Our Sponsors…

  1. Don’t I know it. When I when crazy in May I might as well have worn a bubblewrap suit to work for how gently they all treated me. Annoying at first, but then I just went with it. Feel free to contact me if you need some tips. Seriosuly.


  2. Good luck Hoody! My husband needs good ol’ Chemicals! They saved his life! Get well.


  3. hope you get the magic combination, hopefully they’ll taste like pez too.

    good luck with the doctor.


    • so far I’ve been self-medicating with tacos and rum… but I think I need to kick it up a notch!


      • actually, honestly, if you can get your hands on it, croatian badel brand sljivovic in hot tea (no milk) with sugar. there’s something magical about it that just helps make shit feel better without the sometimes depressy parts of drinking.

        I usually figure the panic attacks balance out the depression, but I’m lucky, I only had uh, what did the asshole shrink say… a mild case of moderate depression.

        and he told me not to breed, because it’s genetic. i never went back 🙂

        try pizza, melted cheese helps. it fixes everything.


  4. If only my xanax came in the middle of an M&M… then people wouldn’t know when I’m about to flip my shit. Hope you get to feeling better soon, sugar britches.


  5. I hope you start feeling more sane soon!


  6. Either you are really crazy, or we’re all normal. Hope the meds kick in soon. Meds are great. Better living through chemistry. Hang in there, it gets better!

    Anyway, sorry for putting a link in the comments, but here’s something about Xanax that might help you:


    • that’s what I told Dear Sweet Mama when she mentioned how sweet y’all were in the comments — I said it just meant I had surrounded myself with people as batshit as me! But I thik we’re all a little nuts, or we’d be all up in the Tea Party wearing beehive hairdos and talking about how Jesus rode a dinosaur to school. As for the Xanax, I wigged just like you about the Haim Effect, but the doc says as long as I only take it “when I need it” not “whenever I want it” we should be okay.


  7. awesome I’d try that but kara is giving me a big ol’ “if you think that’s bad you should know I haven’t had any cuddles for at least two hours” look


  8. Thanks for posting, I was worried when you just disappeared, but then I realized I had also disappeared for about 2 weeks because I spend my evenings blubbering in my beer while my boyfriend awkwardly patted my back because I hate my work situation but am too much a chickenshit to do anything about it and it has flung me into a depression-abyss of self-loathing and rage. But I’m feeling better now. I hope you do, too.


    • I’m getting there — isn’t it weird, though, I though Seasonal Depressive shit was supposed to happen in the winter??? Guess there’s also a version for when it’s frickin’ HOT, too!


  9. Hope you feel better soon! For the record, the meds made me MORE crazy….which has now made me really leery of taking anything stronger than antibiotics. But my body is whacked and I know plenty of people who enjoy better living through chemistry.

    All the best folk are a bit crazy. It’s a mark of distinction.


    • I like the kind of crazy the pills make me — happy-go-lucky, randomly inappropriate, etc. — much better than the weepy crying panicky crazy I am without them! I am a full proponent of the White Man’s Medicine when it comes to making me pleasant to be around!


  10. Your crazy is the best kind cuz it makes me laugh. Wait, that sounds bad. Not like the laugh at you kind of laughing, more the laughing with you . . . oh damn, I’m not helping.

    Hope you are better soon. I was worried something happened to one of the kittehs again. Glad it’s just the crazies getting ya. Well, not glad, but you know what I mean.

    I am “mildly” depressed myself (does crying jags every day constitute mild?), but am holding out on the meds just yet. Hope you get what cures ya. And the good stuff, too damnit!! Feel better babe!


    • to be honest, I probably hung in there too long — shoulda got this shit fixed before the crying jags went from EVERY day to SEVERAL times a day! And the kittehs are loving it, because Mommy feels bad for them being raised by a nutjob, so they get lots of treats!


  11. Have we been together, blog-wise, that we’re cycling crazy together? I feel so bonded.


  12. Meds are always good.

    Except when my best friend takes birth control because she turns into a raging uncontrollable bitch.


  13. Bribery usually works to keep the crazy chick from blowing up your car. Well at least in their mind it might. Glad to see you back.


  14. My favorite way to make randoms at work be nicer to me is to come in uncharacteristically quiet….
    them: What’s up?
    me: Bad day.
    them: Oh?
    me: Court.
    them: Really? What for?
    me: Murder.
    them: *stunned silence*
    me: It’s okay. Not guilty by reason of… well, you know.
    I got flowers.
    I hope you freak them out enough to get even better than that, while you secretly feel better and giggle inside.


  15. I would buy you a McBacon or whatever they call them.


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